#!/usr/bin/perl #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # IPv6 AWStats plugin # This plugin allow AWStats to make reverse DNS Lookup on IPv6 addresses. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Perl Required Modules: Net::IP and Net::DNS #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # <----- # ENTER HERE THE USE COMMAND FOR ALL REQUIRED PERL MODULES if (!eval ('require "Net/IP.pm";')) { return $@?"Error: $@":"Error: Need Perl module Net::IP"; } if (!eval ('require "Net/DNS.pm";')) { return $@?"Error: $@":"Error: Need Perl module Net::DNS"; } # -----> use strict;no strict "refs"; #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PLUGIN VARIABLES #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # <----- # ENTER HERE THE MINIMUM AWSTATS VERSION REQUIRED BY YOUR PLUGIN # AND THE NAME OF ALL FUNCTIONS THE PLUGIN MANAGE. my $PluginNeedAWStatsVersion="5.5"; my $PluginHooksFunctions="GetResolvedIP"; # -----> # <----- # IF YOUR PLUGIN NEED GLOBAL VARIABLES, THEY MUST BE DECLARED HERE. use vars qw/ $resolver /; # -----> #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PLUGIN FUNCTION: Init_pluginname #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub Init_ipv6 { my $InitParams=shift; my $checkversion=&Check_Plugin_Version($PluginNeedAWStatsVersion); # <----- # ENTER HERE CODE TO DO INIT PLUGIN ACTIONS debug(" Plugin ipv6: InitParams=$InitParams",1); $resolver = Net::DNS::Resolver->new; # -----> return ($checkversion?$checkversion:"$PluginHooksFunctions"); } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PLUGIN FUNCTION: GetResolvedIP_pluginname # UNIQUE: YES (Only one plugin using this function can be loaded) # GetResolvedIP is called to resolve an IPv6 address into a host name #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GetResolvedIP_ipv6 { # <----- my $ip = new Net::IP($_[0]); my $reverseip= $ip->reverse_ip(); my $query = $resolver->query($reverseip, "PTR"); if (! defined($query)) { return; } my @result=split(/\s/, ($query->answer)[0]->string); return $result[4]; # -----> } 1; # Do not remove this line